The first e-auction in the Municipality of Kropiais a fact!

cosmoONE successfully completed the first e-auction of the Municipality of Kropia, and the first one among Local Government Authorities in East Attica.

The Municipality of Kropia in line with its obligation to introduce greater transparency in its purchasing, has began to use e-auction systems for its procurement procedures. Mayor of Kropia, Mr Dimitris Kioussis, and Deputy Mayor for Finance Management and eGovernment Mr Athanasios Poulakis welcome this first effort. “Besides adding transparency, this method will also save money and better ensure the interest of the municipality and the public interest”,  says the Mayor of Kropia, Mr Dimitris Kioussis. The e-auction (international procedure) concerned the purchase of two garbage trucks to meet the needs of the Cleaning Department of the Directorate for the Environment. Responsibility for the auction lied with employees of the Municipality of Kropia, Mr Kostas Soukaras and Ms Katerina Moraiti, with the assistance of a private company with the appropriate software.