joi/02/2016 | Comunicate de presă
Athens, 11 February 2016: cosmoONE,the first company in Greece that specialized in B2B solutions for Electronic Procurement,completes 15 years of operation. The subsidiary company of OTE Group has been offering, since 2001, innovative applications and services that...
vin/12/2015 | Comunicate de presă
cosmoONE received the GOLD award at evolution awards 2016, for the “Use of the application compareONE by Public Hospitals”, in the category Application B-B Electronic Commerce & Electronic Business. The application compareONE is a 360ᵒ solution with integrated...
joi/12/2014 | Comunicate de presă
The innovative suite of e-sourcing tools of cosmoONE received a new significant award at e-volution awards 2015, by getting the Silver Award in the category “Application B-B Electronic Commerce”. This award is the fourth consecutive one for the company at the specific...
mar/12/2013 | Comunicate de presă
Double distinction with Silver Award for the electronic clearances and Bronze Award for the electronic tenders was received by cosmoONE, in the framework of the annual event of “e-volution awards 2014”. The Bronze award in the category “Companies-Bodies that utilize...
lun/10/2013 | Comunicate de presă
cosmoONE has entered into a cooperation agreement and is currently successfully providing integrated e-Procurement solutions to Geniki Bank. As a result, the CEO of Geniki Bank, Mr Alexandros Manos, commented: “We are extremely happy with the services cosmoONE offers...