e-Purchase Requests

Fully automate the internal
purchase request process

Put an end to purchase requests
on paper, via e-mail or forms.

Manage e-requests through the platform

SOFTONE eDEMAND is SOFTONE cosmoONE’s best e-purchase request platform that allows supply or purchase requests to be submitted and approved with just a few clicks.

E-requests are submitted easily, by any department of your business, thus relieving executives of the relevant bureaucracy.

Every stage of the request is recorded in real-time on the workflow system, allowing the collection of the required electronic approvals based on the cost and category of the request in the company directory.

The procurement department can collate the approved requests by type, category or division of the business and process them further.

All required approvals in e-form

The goal is full control of the process at any time, as well as securing that every purchase comes with all the required approvals.

Interconnection with company’s ERP

SOFTONE eDEMAND can be interconnected with the company’s ERP for swapping information such as the cost center and the budget.

Significant benefits for every company

Better management
& process control

The complete history of the actions of each member in the buyer and supplier approval chain allows you to control the process at every stage.

Less bureaucracy
& more time-savings

The overall simplification of the process of monitoring – fulfillment of orders, results in the reduction of bureaucracy.

Procedure automation
& error prevention

The approval workflow and the use of default rules and lists as well as the ability to insert comments and attach price lists based on multiple templates ensure that errors are avoided.